
  • One in six people suffer from foot problems.
  • Genetics play a role for sure in foot problems, but a huge reason for foot problems is a poor choice of footwear.
  • As we age, our feet widen and lengthen and far too often people fail to change their shoe size.
  • 88% of all people wear the wrong size shoe.
  • 25.8 million people in the U.S. have Diabetes. This predisposes them to even greater foot problems if inadequate footwear is not worn.
  • Shoes are like tires, they should be rotated and replaced with wear. Even if a shoe appears in good shape, it's internal shock absorbent properties may have diminished.
  • Over 20 million people suffer from neuropathy. This is nerve damage caused by a multitude of conditions. The symptoms range from numbness and tingling, burning, sharp shooting pain or little to no feeling at all. Therapies for neuropathy are limited at present, but a well known fact is that proper footwear can prevent further damage.
  • Peripheral vascular disease is common in the U.S. Some complications such as varicose veins, edema, muscle fatigue and resultant ulcers can be prevented by wearing compression hosiery and proper shoes.
  • Sports injuries, as well as other traumatic injuries will sometimes change the structure of anatomy for the rest of an individual's life. Modifications often need to be made to footwear to accommodate the deficiency or deformity.
  • Your feet can swell up to one full size difference by the end of the day, therefore, the best time to shop for shoes is later in the afternoon.
  • 60% of people have one foot larger than the other. This becomes problematic when trying to buy dressier slip on shoes. We can often make pedorthic accommodations to remedy this situation.

Your feet work hard, and way too often are only thought about when they hurt. Treat your feet to the professional attention and footwear they deserve!